Provided By: Visa Ethics

Super Visa vs. Sponsorship: Choosing the Right Path for Family

Under: Others

Canada, known for its welcoming and inclusive culture, provides numerous pathways for reuniting families. One such avenue is the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program which allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to bring their parents and grandparents to live with them in this beautiful country. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process, eligibility criteria, financial obligations, processing times, and potential challenges associated with sponsoring parents and grandparents to Canada.

The Process for Sponsoring Parents and Grandparents

The Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship program is a two-step process:

  • Interest to Sponsor: This phase typically opens once a year and requires Canadian citizens or permanent residents to express their interest in sponsoring their parents or grandparents. Those selected through a lottery system are invited to submit sponsorship applications.
  • Sponsorship Application: Once invited, sponsors must complete and submit a thorough sponsorship application package, including supporting documents. This application is evaluated to ensure the sponsor meets eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Criteria and Financial Obligations

To qualify as a sponsor, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident living in Canada, or registered as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Meet the minimum necessary income requirement, which is determined based on your family size.

Sponsors also need to commit to financial responsibilities, including providing financial support to the sponsored relatives for a specified duration. This commitment ensures that the sponsored parents and grandparents have access to essential amenities like housing, food, and healthcare.

Processing Times and Potential Challenges

Processing times for Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship applications can vary. Factors affecting these times include the volume of applications, the completeness of the application package, and security and background checks. On average, processing times can range from 20 to 24 months.

Challenges that sponsors may encounter include

  • Meeting the Minimum Income Requirements: Ensuring you meet the necessary income threshold can be challenging, especially if you have a large family or financial dependents.
  • Document Preparation: Gathering the required documents and ensuring they are complete and accurate can be time-consuming.
  • Limited Sponsorship Spots: The annual quota for sponsorship applications is limited, leading to high competition among potential sponsors.
  • Eligibility Concerns: Meeting all eligibility criteria can be complex, particularly for those who have recently become Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Super Visa Program – An Alternate Path

If you’re unable to sponsor your parents or grandparents to Canada this year, an alternative option is to explore the Super Visa program. The Super Visa stands as a favored choice among Canadian citizens and permanent residents seeking to unite with their parents and grandparents in Canada. This program offers a multi-entry visa valid for up to 10 years, with recent improvements allowing visa holders to stay in Canada for 5 years initially and extend their stay for up to 2 years without leaving the country.

  • What is a Super Visa?

A Super Visa is a temporary visa that offers the convenience of extended family visits, allowing parents and grandparents to stay for up to five consecutive years without the hassle of renewing their visitor status. Super Visa holders enjoy the flexibility of multiple entries into Canada over a 10-year period. Furthermore, those currently holding a Super Visa may explore an extension option, permitting them to extend their stay in Canada for up to seven years as visitors.

  • Eligibility for a Super Visa:

In order to qualify for a Super Visa, the applicant must:

  • Be the parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Demonstrate admissibility to Canada without grounds for inadmissibility based on criminality or health.
  • Validate their financial capacity by meeting income criteria aligned with the Low-Income Cut Off (LICO).
  • Present a duly signed letter of invitation from their child or grandchild residing in Canada, which encompasses a commitment to offer financial support throughout the visit and specifies the household’s composition.
  • Furnish evidence of medical insurance coverage for a minimum of one year through a Canadian insurance provider.

Navigating the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship process can be complicated, but the reward of reuniting with loved ones in Canada makes it worth the effort. It’s essential to stay informed, plan ahead, and seek guidance from immigration experts to maximize your chances of success.

At Visa Ethics, we specialize in guiding individuals through the intricacies of immigration processes. Our experienced team, led by reputed immigration lawyer Dr. Khushwinder Singh, can help you navigate the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program, ensuring that your application is complete, accurate, and submitted in a timely manner. Contact us today to take the first step toward bringing your parents and grandparents closer to you in Canada.

Bringing your parents and grandparents to Canada is a heartfelt endeavor. With the right guidance and preparation, you can make this dream a reality, creating a fulfilling life together in the welcoming embrace of Canada’s multicultural society.

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